Problems of the Caspian Sea and the coastal zone


V.V.Veselov, V.Yu.Panichkin, O.L.Miroshnichenko

The rise of the water level in the Caspian Sea give essential losses for economy. The industrial objects, pastures are sunk. Irrigating massives are put out of action. Objects of the oil and gas complex become source of pollution for coastal zone. It is potential threat to biological resources of the sea. The rise of the water level in the Caspian Sea cause the rise of the subsoil water level. The swamping of the territories, drowning a little of the foundations of dwelling and industrial objects, lines of electricity transmission, pipe-lines are consequences of this. In accordance with data of Scientific and Research Institute for Monitoring of Environment of the Republic Kazakhstan prognostic state of the water level in the Caspian Sea may reach the absolute elevation from –26 to –22m.

Models system of the Kazakhstan part of the coast of the Caspian Sea
shem_p.gif (6789 bytes) The modeling of the hydrogeological conditions of the coast was executed for an estimation of influence of the current level rise of the Caspian Sea on state of surface of the subsoil waters. System with 3 levels of the interconnected models that’s structure is given on Fig. was created. It consist from regional model of the Kazakhstan part of the coast of the Caspian Sea (scale 1:500 000), model of the Ural river lower reaches (scale 1:200 000) and model of the subsurface waters for Atyrau city (scale 1:10000).
1 - regional model; 2 - model of the Ural river's lower reaches; 3 - c.Atyrau's model.

Prediction map of the contour of water table of the Kazakhstan part of the coast of the Caspian Sea on the period to 2028 (compiled V.V.Veselov, V.Yu.Panichkin) in note of sea:



6 variants of the predictions for sea level elevations –27, -26, -25, -24, -23, -22 m was calculated on the regional model. Prediction was executed on the term for 30 years. It was assumed that the rise on the Caspian Sea goes on instantaneously. Compiled prognostic maps of the contour of water tables was given on Fig. Also the regions of the head of subsurface waters in coastal zone was given on the maps. Analysis show that an extensive areas will turn out to be under water as a result of the possible further rise of the Caspian Sea level. Present time their total area in limits of the modelled region is 14.8 ths. sq. km (for sea elevation –27 m). For elevation –22 m, it will increase to 37.3 ths. sq. km. Conclusion may be, if you compare results of the different prediction variants, as a rule, zone width for head not more 5-10 km. It’s state in plan is determined firstly by prognostic level of water in the Caspian Sea (by prediction variant) and by relief of the coastal zone. Size of the prognostic rise of subsoil water level by comparison with it’s state present time averages mainly not more 30 – 50 cm, and it increase to 1 – 2 m, rarely to 3 – 4 m only in immediate near from coastal line. This size depends from absolute elevations of level surface of subsoil waters in the coastal zone for undisturbed conditions. Prognostic rises of the levels are more for areas with low elevations.

Surge phenomenons play certain role for creation of the level regime of subsoil waters in coastal part. Duration of the surge, it’s height, steepness of shore and area of submerged territory, thickness of the aeration zone and it’s filtration properties influence on volumes of the marine water coming in water-bearing horizon. Short-term (from 6 to 20 days) rises of the subsoil water levels was fixed by experimental way, it’s amplitude is 0.1 – 0.4 m. Estimation of the surge phenomenons influence on subsoil waters was executed also on the model of the Atyrau city territory /1, 2/. It was believed that surge size in Atyrau is 1.95 m. Duration of the surge is 5 days. The change of the subsoil waters level was predicted for 3 months after surge. The decision method was that. For a 5 days water elevation rised on surge size from –26.84 (1993 year) to –24.89 m. Then the elevation of the water level in the Ural river returned on previous level. The results of the calculations on 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 15, 20, 30, 95 days after the beginning of surge was analysed. It was established that the short-term surges can not give the essential rise of subsoil waters on the territory of city. They cause drowning a little only for narrow coastal zone on the distance to 100 m from river cut. Practically full return of subsoil waters level to previous state goes on for a 3 month. In such a way, retaining phenomenons were caused in subsoil waters in city firstly by self-drowning a little processes at the cost of leakage from water-supply and sewer net of the city watering of green plantings and filtration from the irrigation canals.

In conclusion it is necessary point out the following:

  • Executed modeling allowed to estimate influence of the possible rise of the water level in the Caspian Sea on subsurface waters of coastal. State of the drowing zone in plan is defined firstly by prediction level of water in the Caspian Sea and the relief of coastal zone. Width of this zone depends from hydrogeological conditions of the concrete parts of the coast-filtration and capacity properties of the water-enclosing rocks, thickness of the water-bearing horizon, of the stream slope of subsurface waters.
  • Definite influence on regime of subsurface waters of the coastal parts exert also surge effects, it’s role on the some areas may be very essential.

At a later time it is appropriate creation of the detailed models of some parts of the coastal territory that have important role for economy. It is necessary for more authentic estimation and forecasting of the possible rise of the background water level in the Caspian Sea, and also surge phenomenons on subsurface waters.

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1 - contour of water table in 2028,
2 - contour of the indication of the border terms of I kind,
3 - contour of the indication of the border terms of II kind,
4 - net approximation of the modeled region (numbers - numbers of the lines and columns,
5 - zone of the head of water from the side of the Caspias Sea (size of the head to 0.3 - 0.5 m,
6 - coastal line (note of he sea is indicated on Fig).


1. Veselov V.V. Mirlas V.M., Panichkin V.Yu. Prediction of the subsoil waters level under the effect of the head from the side of the Caspian Sea //Book: The Caspian Sea and coastal zone. Almaty: "Olke", 1995. p.84-90.
2. Veselov V.V., Spivak L.F. The basics of the structured modeling of the hydrogeosystems. - Almaty: Gylym, 1997, 216p.