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Title or Name of Document VIII Vsesoyuzny simposium po stabil`nym izotopam v geochimii, 11-14 noyabrya 1980, Moskwa. (VIII Allunion simp. on stable isotopes in geochemistry), (in Russian).
Nature of Document Text
Author Azizov T.S.
Publish or Origin AN SSSR, otdeleniye geologii, geofiziki i geochimii. Ordena Lenina inst. geochimii im. Vernadskogo
Structure Summary of reports
Contents/Description p. 198-199: Izotopno-kislorodnaya obstanovka akvatorii Kaspiiskogo morya. (Izotopes and oxygen state on the Caspian Sea aquatory). Investigation of the state in the Quaternary period and results of observation and samples analyzing of sea water, freshwater sources, rainfall, sediments and shells last 10 y.
Place and country of publication Moscow, USSR
Year of publication 1980
Number in Series
Physical characteristics 424 p., the format is 60 x 90 1/16
Ownership Russian Academy of Sciences
Accessability Place where document is available In Russia and in the NIS
Name and addreess where to obtain a copy State Hydrological Institute Dep. of Technical and Scientific information23, Second Line, V.O. 199053 St.Petersburg, Russia.
ISBN not applicable